4 Ways dox2U Makes Collaboration and Guest Sharing More Secure

How to makes Collaboration & Guest sharing more secure – dox2U

Almost every business relies on digital means to function appropriately and efficiently in today’s time. Be it a small businesses or large enterprises, all are, one way or the other, dependent upon the digital resources we have today. 

Document management systems are one of those digital resources, and utilizing the same efficiently to bring productivity to your organization asks for a calculated decision. It would help if you were very sure of the resources you are investing in to expect an ROI and turn things around for your company. 

During the pandemic, 70% of companies went fully remote. The word in the market is that 16% of them are stuck on the work-from-home model, and the rest either adopted a hybrid working model or decided to consider the same in the future.

Given the scenarios, big giants like Google and Facebook also leaped to announce permanent work from home for their majority workforce for the coming years. 

 State of Guest Access Remote Report

These were a few challenges that people faced working remotely. Collaboration and communication between team members became an hard-to-overcome issue for companies. To mitigate the risks associated with the same, companies, without wasting any more time, shifted to Document Management Solutions, Customer Relationship Management Software and more. 

Legacy solutions were doing just fine; storing documents, managing them, and collaborating with teams became easy as pie. Now businesses could easily manage their workforce by working remotely from different locations and even leverage global talent pools. 

However, one major challenge faced while working with legacy solutions was ‘secured collaboration.’ Inability to track document activity and restrict document access were major security concerns.

Thus, with time companies understood that even though collaboration was facilitated by legacy solutions, security was being jeopardized and thus a more comprehensive solution was required.

Regular business operations require the collaboration of team members and guests for project management and documentation, many a time confidential. Many of the available Document Management Solutions supported the same, but very few guaranteed secure guest access management

Meaning shared documents were highly prone to fraud and wrongful usage. 

Let’s take a look at What Guest Access is and why Guest Access Management is a necessity in today’s time? 

What Guest Access is and why Guest Access Management is a Necessity in Today’s Time? 

Guest Access is sharing document access with a person outside your organization for quick and easy collaboration. For instance, while drafting a contract, companies could share access to the document with their clients to understand whether both of them are on the same page or not. Doing the same the traditional way would require companies to mail the same – several rounds of revisions would consume thrice the time and add to the job. 

Subject to the access rights, one is allowed to view, edit or download the same. Most Document Management Systems allow sharing of document access outside the organization. Although, doing the same securely is the real challenge. 

This is why Guest Access Management is a necessity: 

  1. To have proper control over the information shared outside of the organization. 
  2. To prevent wrongful and unauthorized usage of the information thus shared with third parties. 
  3. To ensure efficient operations without compromising on safety and confidentiality. 

But the bigger question is: how do you ensure that it happens? Well, your organization needs to step away from legacy systems and adopt something that offers a more comprehensive solution to all your document management related problems – a solution like dox2U

If you are also tired of risking your company’s entire future with every transaction, here’s how dox2U can help you effortlessly! 

4 Ways dox2U Make Collaboration and Guest Sharing Easy and Secure:

Share access to specific documents 

With Document Management solutions like Dox2U, one can share access to specific documents and invite guests to view the same without inviting them to the entire workspace and giving them access to information they shouldn’t have or do not require. This allows the company to pursue its regular operations seamlessly without compromising confidential information. 

Revoke access 

Sharing the documents for easy collaboration is one thing. Still, to stay on a more secure side, it is necessary to have complete control over the information, including having the authority to revoke the provided access whenever the need arises. dox2U allows you to revoke provided access to documents. This functionality could be helpful when the admin smells something fishy and wants to undo the same. 

Restrict actions 

One of the most important things to take care of while sharing access with third parties or colleagues is restricting their actions. Someone who is supposed to review a particular document must not be given the right to edit the same. The reason is that it prevents mistakes and unrequired hassles that could result from all this. dox2U allows you and the admins to restrict the actions of those involved in managing projects and documentation. 

Keep track of activities

Even when we try to control things, sometimes, it gets a bit out of control. The same happens when companies are involved in a zillion transactions; micro-managing becomes a task. An all-inclusive audit log that gives you an overview of all the activities happening over the doc helps companies stay on the safer side. This way, even if someone manages to make changes, you can track who did the same and when. 

Concluding Remarks

Apart from these significant functionalities, dox2U offers you multiple other helpful functions. To list a few: 

  1. You get visual cues to indicate sharing of information with external guests. 
  2. It prevents the guests from downloading and screenshotting shared files. 
  3. Tracking of Ip addresses to prevent access from multiple devices and unauthorized individuals. 
  4. Restricted view of the document: they only see what they are allowed to view. 

Businesses often trivialize technology’s benefits, not willingly, but sometimes due to a lack of knowledge. Setting up a document management system is an upgrade for many organizations, given the circumstances they are habitual of working in.  

All in all, dox2U is the solution that will help you set up a more efficient system in place that doesn’t just do the job. It is a software solution that prioritizes easy and secure management of documents to boost company productivity and ease their day-to-day operations. 

The most significant benefit of entrusting us is that we provide lifetime free plans. Visit the website and see if you are eligible for the same! 

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