Advantage of Deep Search Feature in DMS

How is the Deep Search Feature an Added Advantage in a DMS?

Would you even care to set up a document storage infrastructure if you were told you would never have to dig back in to retrieve any information? 

We bet you would either dump all that paper in a cabinet or throw it away, hoping never to see it again. 

The point we’re trying to make here is that it doesn’t matter whether you store your documents in a cabinet or on a hard drive – if you hope to see them again, you will have to do some basic organization since the entire point of having a system in place is to be able to retrieve documents in an instant. 

The entire paradigm of document storage and management in organizations has changed in the past few years. From cabinets and hard drives to record management solutions, we have finally arrived at a place where the smartest decision for companies is to level up to a Document Management Solution that let them digitize the whole process. 

But the question remains: is digitizing enough?

Because if you are unsure of your system’s capability to retrieve the stored documents for you whenever required, even a digital repository seems nothing more than a basic cabinet.

Well, digitizing is enough, provided you do that with the help of the right DMS – one that makes both management and retrieval an easy job. But how do you know which one is right? 

Let us help you figure that out! 

What to Look For in a Document Management System? 

Choosing the right Document Management System (DMS) is the decision you need to make after weighing all the options. This is so because a wrong choice can exhaust your resources without actually compensating for the same. 

Ease of document management

In order to find the right alternative for your organization, you need to be able to differentiate between a standard repository, which is more like a black hole, and a smart DMS. 

Stages of EDMS in Deep Search

A standard repository is the digitized version of your cabinet. It’s a black hole from which retrieving the document on demand becomes an impossible task. Contrary to this, a smart DMS facilitates the entire process of storing and managing uploaded documents. 

Quick retrieval

While talking about retrievals, let’s not forget that in itself becomes a task when you forget the titles and tags of the document. However, this problem only persists if you don’t use a DMS that supports Content-Based Search. 

Others mostly should be able to retrieve within seconds with the help of the smallest bits of content that the document entails, which is why opting for a DMS that offers a Deep Search option becomes essential. 

Secure guest sharing

Uploading, storing, and retrieving documents digitally is one convenience but being able to share the same securely is another. And in today’s time, having that is a must. While you are investing in a DMS, ensure you put your money into something that allows you to share access with guests and collaborate with teams efficiently. 

Benefits of the Deep-Search Feature

There are a zillion other features that you can look for. Still, the basic requirement is to be able to retrieve and store your documents with ease, and while talking about retrieval, let’s not forget the several benefits the Deep-Search feature can bring to your organization: 

Benefits of Document Management System in Deep Search

Saves time

Imagine you are alone in your office, and a client approaches you with a payment query. Unfortunately, you can’t spot their file on your computer to cross-check details with their order history. Forgetting tags and titles is not a big deal, but do you think they will bother to give you a second chance?

Customers today don’t have time to wait in the queue for answers; they want things done when and where they want. A DMS with a Deep-Search feature is helpful in such situations as it lets you retrieve important documents even when you’ve forgotten the titles and tags. 

Just search whatever keywords you can recall, and you will have what you were looking for in seconds. Thus, saves a lot of time and, yes, money too! 

Eases administrative tasks

Paper documents multiply with time, so from the day you begin your operations, you might not come across a day where paper was not involved. This is what makes it all even more critical. If you own a law firm or work in one, you would know what we are talking about. Imagine a system that only requires you to upload the files, and then you can forget about them completely. No more numbering or fancy stationery so you can recognize them from a distance. All you need to do is press a few keys, and that’s it. 

Everything is literally at your fingertips. 

Improved productivity

An average employee wastes 40% of their time searching for documents in the office. This means half of the day, they are engaged in counter-productive activities. Imagine what would happen if that time clears up, and they start focusing on better and more important things. Organizational productivity will improve, and profitability will skyrocket.

Opting for a DMS with Content-Based Search technology will help you speed up processes that otherwise took a long time and exhausted more than the required energy of your employees. 


No matter how you decide to manage your documents, at the end of the day, it all boils down to your memory. Can you remember which file has the term sheet? Or do you remember the title you gave to it while saving it on your computer? No? If investing in a DMS asks you to remember document details, just how you did earlier, are you even investing? Because you might never get the expected ROI on it. Look for better and more feasible options that do not require you to remember minute details.

We vouch for dox2U. It’s an easy and encrypted DMS that helps you welcome convenience to your life. 

Here’s how:  

  1. dox2U offers a cloud-based repository that helps you store your documents easily in a common space. 
  2. Apart from many amazing features like Common Workspace, Text Extraction, and Guest Sharing, dox2U also offers a Deep Search option for its users. One that allows quick and easy retrieval of documents without hassles. 
  3. Along with the Deep Search option, users have the option to filter out results further with the help of the Smart Cabinet feature.

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